Blog - Pomegranates and Stories

Candy - Week 6

I can't say the 52 photo project is going amazing but I am keeping up. In this post I will continue where I left off: Candy and week 6. This was a tough one and didn't had a lot to choose from.I tried making my own candy using a lollipop recipe. Photo not great ..and candy not great either (sticky and too sweet). I'm definitely better at baking.candyI tried inverting my lens (here is a little tutorial) and creating a super macro of sugar granules. And this was the best image of the week in my opinion. I used my 50-200mm Nikkor inverted and held on to the camera with my hand (no reverse lens adapter to help).Sugar granules candysugar granules candyAnd I also tried a little product photography of Raffaello, one of my favourite sweets.candyTo be honest I'm not a big candy lover .. but I will always go for some chocolate cake or Baileys ice cream from Haagen Dazs ;)